New on SHK.RADIO: Renovation strategy after a case of Legionella at the Rheinmünster swimming baths
4-minute read
After Legionella was found in early 2020, one thing was clear: something had to be done at the Rheinmünster baths. A renovation project was planned to modernise the outdated drinking water installation in the swimming baths while also dealing with the problems with drinking water hygiene. SCHELL provided the client with support from planning to the actual construction work, supplying the perfect solutions such as SCHELL LINUS shower panels and the SWS Water Management System. Markus Mohr, Sales Coordinator for Systems, Planning and the Skilled Trades at SCHELL, talked to SHK.RADIO about the project, which was completed in record time. This latest episode in the series ‘Erfrischend klar – SCHELL informiert (rund ums Wasser)’ (‘Refreshingly clear – the word on water from SCHELL’) provides useful best practice tips.
Tackling critical factors in the baths for drinking water hygiene
In this interview with host Thomas Gerres, Markus Mohr goes through everything that happened after the fateful sampling incident, where Legionella was discovered in the female and male showers. Despite good maintenance, several separate factors – all critical for maintaining drinking water hygiene – occurred in the Rheinmünster swimming baths and had to be corrected. Over-dimensioned piping, high cold-water input temperatures into the building, a mixing station in the basement and other aspects worked to create an environment favourable to Legionella. Yet simply demolishing the baths would have meant the loss of the last swimming facility in the area for many people living in Rheinmünster. Accordingly, the decision was made to renovate the baths as quickly as possible.
Top teamwork ensures rapid renovations
Instead of renovating the entire baths, only the drinking water installation was modified, although this work was extensive. “Everything that was over-dimensioned, badly insulated or corroded was removed, to get the installation back into working order as quickly as possible,” reports Markus Mohr. Mohr also adds that all of the people involved – the consultant planners, electricians, installers, health authorities and SCHELL – worked together as one team. As a result, after the Legionella discovery in spring, all renovation work had been completed by autumn and the baths could re-open again.

Tune in to SHK.RADIO to hear the whole interview
How important is the SWS Water Management System for drinking water hygiene now that the baths are back to normal operation? What kinds of renovation work were completed and was sustainability taken into account? SHK.RADIO has the answers!
Missed the episode? No problem – you can listen to a recording of the show in the SHK.RADIO Media Library.