SSC Bluetooth® module is the star of the show at SHK.RADIO
5-minute read
Time to move on from the old-school manual setting of electronic fittings. With the SSC Bluetooth® module, SCHELL offers a solution that makes parametrisation simple, easy and digital. As Tim Brauer, Technical Consultant for Applications Engineering Germany at SCHELL, explains, this makes life much simpler for industry professionals. But the SSC Bluetooth® module can do much more besides. This is why it’s featured in the latest episode of ‘Erfrischend klar – SCHELL informiert (rund ums Wasser)’ (‘Refreshingly clear – the word on water from SCHELL’) on SHK.RADIO. In this episode, Tim Brauer talks to host Thomas Gerres about the module’s wide range of functions and practical advantages.
Avoiding stagnation to maintain drinking water hygiene
As a customer advisor at SCHELL, Tim Brauer faces questions about products and standards as well as user and drinking water hygiene on a day-to-day basis. Hygiene is especially important for customers. To maintain good drinking water hygiene, steps must be taken to ensure that the water is not left to stagnate in the piping for too long. “Stagnation can be avoided by running the installation at ‘specified normal operation’,” Brauer explains. “If we imagine a public building – such as a cinema – then we have several sanitary facilities with wash basins, urinals and WC systems. All of these must be used at the frequency for which they were originally planned. If this specified normal operation cannot be achieved, then stagnation flushes can help out – either triggered manually by staff or automatically by our electronic SCHELL fittings, which we can configure accordingly.”

Digital parametrisation with the SSC Bluetooth® module
With SCHELL fittings, stagnation flushes must always be set up explicitly by a technician, although there are also several other kinds of parameter settings, such as the range or a cleaning stop, for example. “With the SSC Bluetooth® module, I can configure the fitting easily just by using my smartphone or tablet,” Brauer explains. The SSC Bluetooth® module is a compact and portable control unit with two short connection leads: it can be used to set parameters on almost any electronic SCHELL fitting – whether on, at or in a wash basin, kitchen, shower, WC or urinal.
The module offers two basic usage modes: “As an installer or customer service technician, I can use the module as a portable tool – almost like a digital pipe spanner – to set parameters on an electronic SCHELL fitting and to adjust it specifically to customer needs and the circumstances of the installation. Alternatively, I can use the SSC Bluetooth® module to fine-tune the fitting as a permanently installed add-on offering several additional options,” Brauer continues.
Portable use as a digital pipe spanner
For portable use, technicians simply need the module and the free app for Android/iOS, installed on a Bluetooth®-capable device. Brauer: “The SSC Bluetooth® module is slotted in between the power supply and the fitting using a connection cable. I then connect my smartphone to the module via Bluetooth® and everything is good to go.” The app features three main tabs: ‘Configuration’, ‘Information’ and ‘Diagnostics’. The configuration tab offers a wide range of setting options – significantly more than for manual parametrisation.

“For example, if I am installing fittings for a hospitality venue, which prioritises user comfort, then I might increase the flow time from 1 second (factory setting) to 3 seconds. I can also set the maximum follow-up time, stagnation flushes and much more. The information tab can be used to enter details such as who installed the fitting and when, while diagnostics is used for testing parameters and exporting fitting logs.” Once configured, the fitting parameters can then be transferred using the app and module to other fittings of the same model.

Permanent installation – a ‘fine-tuner’ for fittings
If the SSC Bluetooth® module is left permanently connected to the fitting, then other extremely useful functions become available. “Stagnation flushes can then be set up according to a ‘flush calendar’ at specific times of day and for fixed flow times,” Brauer explains. “For example, something like every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, from 7 AM to 7:03 AM.”
Another additional benefit of permanent installation is the fact that the flushes can be logged. “System operators can check by looking in the app or having emails sent to them, so as to maintain their record-keeping obligations and be able to prove that the installation is being operated hygienically.” Whichever usage mode is adopted, the SSC Bluetooth® module is always an innovative and practical tool that makes day-to-day work much simpler for industry professionals, facility managers and building operators.
In the SHK.RADIO show, Tim Brauer explains many other benefits of the SSC Bluetooth® module. The episode is available as an on-demand stream from our Media Library.