Thinking about anti-scalding protection on Children’s Day
4-minute read
Austria and Germany celebrate Children’s Day on 20 September every year. With this year’s theme, ‘Together for children’s rights’, event organisers UNICEF Germany and the German Children’s Fund are calling on policymakers at all levels of government and civil actors alike to afford children’s rights greater recognition and protection. Health and safety are two key topics that relate directly to the theme chosen for this year’s Children’s Day, and promoting anti-scalding protection in community facilities like nursery schools or sports centres also makes them healthier and safer. SCHELL offers many products that can provide better local anti-scalding protection – just as promised by our slogan ‘Responsibility for Health’.
Scald injuries happen in the blink of an eye
Excessively hot water is not only a scalding hazard but can also cause serious falls and injuries as people try to get out of harm’s way. Nor does the individual’s contact with hot water need to be very long – scalding can happen very quickly indeed. The CEN/TR 16355 technical report, ‘Recommendations to prevent Legionella growth in drinking water systems’ assumes that children can suffer scald injuries following contact with hot water at 60 °C after as little as three seconds. This makes it all the more important to protect this high-risk group, as is also required in Europe by the EN 806-2 standard.

MODUS offers protection against scalding and burns
Products that offer anti-scalding protection ensure that the draw-off temperature at the fitting cannot exceed a certain maximum temperature, such as 38 °C. At SCHELL, this is handled by our ThermoProtect technology, which limits the maximum draw-off temperature thermostatically while also shutting off the flow of water if the cold water line fails. This perfect combination for anti-scalding protection is used in the SCHELL MODUS single-lever mixers with ThermoProtect cartridge, in both the designer handle and loop handle models. The SCHELL MODUS shower thermostat also features the same ThermoProtect technology while also offering protection against burns: its housing has IsoBody technology and thermal insulation to ensure that it cannot heat up and can therefore be touched at any time without risk.

Angle valve thermostat – the perfect retrofit
SCHELL’s angle valve thermostat is a great option for wash basin taps without anti-scalding protection. The valve limits the maximum draw-off temperature thermostatically and is also easy to install in places where space is at a premium, such as underneath low wash basins in nursery schools. The angle valve thermostat is available with a rigid or flexible installation set.