More than 300,000 people attend the courses offered by WIFI Styria every year. This very high number of users creates specific challenges for the sanitary facilities. As the operators were unsatisfied with the spare parts service for the self-closing taps installed from another manufacturer, they were looking to replace all of these wash basin taps with a new model. These new taps needed to effectively prevent the risk of disease transmission from contact infection and therefore offer the many visitors to WIFI the best-possible hygienic usage conditions.
Impressed by the excellent customer and spare parts service offered by SCHELL, the project managers picked the SCHELL PURIS E HD-M electronic wash basin tap, which can be operated without physical contact, thanks to the intelligent infrared sensor control. The flow of water is triggered without contact and stops automatically once the hands move out of the sensor’s detection range. This effectively minimises any risk of disease transmission as a result of contact infection. In comparison with the self-closing taps previously installed, this has resulted in a significant boost to user hygiene at WIFI Styria.