Styrian Institute for Economic Development, Graz, Austria

Optimised user hygiene and reduced water consumption, thanks to SCHELL electronic wash basin taps

The Styrian Institute for Economic Development (WIFI Styria) is an educational institution that offers business professionals based in Styria more than 32,000 training courses and seminars every year. In the sanitary facilities at WIFI Styria in Graz, over 100 electronic wash basin taps from SCHELL were installed, which have now led to improved user hygiene and reduced water consumption at the Institute.

Project facts and figures:

Property type: Educational institution

Requirements: Renovations

Location: Graz

Country: Austria

SCHELL products:

PURIS E HD-M electronic wash basin tap


More than 300,000 people attend the courses offered by WIFI Styria every year. This very high number of users creates specific challenges for the sanitary facilities. As the operators were unsatisfied with the spare parts service for the self-closing taps installed from another manufacturer, they were looking to replace all of these wash basin taps with a new model. These new taps needed to effectively prevent the risk of disease transmission from contact infection and therefore offer the many visitors to WIFI the best-possible hygienic usage conditions.


Impressed by the excellent customer and spare parts service offered by SCHELL, the project managers picked the SCHELL PURIS E HD-M electronic wash basin tap, which can be operated without physical contact, thanks to the intelligent infrared sensor control. The flow of water is triggered without contact and stops automatically once the hands move out of the sensor’s detection range. This effectively minimises any risk of disease transmission as a result of contact infection. In comparison with the self-closing taps previously installed, this has resulted in a significant boost to user hygiene at WIFI Styria.

PURIS E electronic wash basin tap: hygienic, user-friendly and economical

More than 100 electronic PURIS E HD-M wash basin taps were installed in the sanitary facilities at WIFI Styria. The minimalist design of these fittings blends seamlessly with the modern interiors at the Institute. The preferred temperature can be adjusted easily using the temperature control on the side. Individual fittings parameters – such as sensor range, cleaning stop or continuous flush for thermal disinfections – can be programmed on the fitting itself via short-range reflex. Optionally, short-range reflex can also be used to schedule stagnation flushes every 24 hours or 24 hours after the last flush. Stagnation flushes help to maintain drinking water quality while reducing the risk of bacteria rising to critical concentrations. Alongside the improved user hygiene, the intelligent sensor technology of these wash basin taps also offers another, decisive advantage: compared with regular single-lever mixers, electronic SCHELL wash basin taps like PURIS E can cut water and energy usage by up to 70 percent. As such, SCHELL fittings can make an effective contribution to making building operations more sustainable and cost-effective overall.

SCHELL products

WIFI Styria aims to provide career starters, specialists and management staff up to board level with subject-specific and soft skills training that can be attended on a part-time basis. These courses are run by around 12,000 trainers every year. The Institute’s programme covers a broad swathe of professional qualifications, including subject-specific basic and further training, developing personal abilities, expanding knowledge of foreign languages or establishing core competencies for leadership roles. WIFI has also partnered with trade schools, vocational schools, technical academies, educational establishments for accountancy and other comprehensive programmes to offer publicly recognised qualifications. The Institute’s brightly lit premises feature state-of-the-art equipment to ensure the perfect conditions for successful basic and further training.

Other references

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